Xin Biaodian Engineering Management Co. Ltd.

Suining City Rural Highway Road Network Construction Project (Phase I) (Pengxi Section)


SuiningCity Rural Highway Road Network Construction Project (Phase I)

(Pengxi Section)


Source: Xinpunctuation project

Suining CityRural Highway Road Network Construction Project (Phase I) (Pengxi Section)

The project involves 16rural roads, a total of 162.4km. Including: 5 newly-built highways, totallength 56.1km; 11 roads rebuilt, total length 106.3km. The total investment is101916 million yuan. In 2017, our company successively carried out the biddingwork for the survey, design, construction, supervision and supervision of theproject. In this year, the construction of the Pengxi rural highway was furtheradvanced. The township road project of 1.5 kilometers from Sanfengchang Townand 11 kilometers from Dashi to Huihui was completed and opened to traffic,thus plugging the construction of Pengxi Rural Road into wings.

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