2017 Xiushuihe Livable Waterfront Construction Project Tender AnnouncementSource:鑫标点工程 2017 Xiushuihe Livable WaterfrontConstruction Project Tender Announcement 1. Tender conditions 1.1 The Bidding Project The Xiushui RiverLivable Waterfront Construction Project (project name) in 2017 has been changedfrom Jinjiang District Development and Reform Bureau (name of project approval,approval, or filing agency) to Jinfa [2018] No. 21 (approval) Name and number)Approval of the project. The project owner is the Urban Management andLandscaping Bureau of Jinjiang District, Chengdu City. The construction fund isfrom the government's investment (source of funds). The project's investmentratio is 100%. The bidder is the Urban Management and Landscaping Bureau ofJinjiang District, Chengdu City. . The project has already met the conditionsfor bidding and the project is now undergoing an open tender. 1.2 This tendering project is a nationalinvestment project construction project in the administrative area of SichuanProvince, and the Jinjiang District Development and Reform Bureau of Chengdu(name of the approving authority) approved the tender (the tendering approvalnumber is Jinfa [2018] No. 21). The organization form is commissioned bidding.The bidder’s choice (the projectnumber of this tender project designated on the website of the ProvincialDevelopment and Reform Commission as HG20170623002) is the tendering agency ofXin Pundian Engineering Management Co., Ltd. 2. Project Overview and Bidding Scope 2.1 Project Owner: Urban Management andLandscaping Bureau of Jinjiang District, Chengdu 2.2 Construction Site: Shahe Street, JinjiangDistrict, Chengdu 2.3 Scale of construction: Water treatmentfor riverbed dredging of Xiushui River and treatment of discharge from sewageat downstream estuaries, implementation of water system connectivity, smoothcoastline, wind corridors linking with “three links on the water bank”, and riverbank greening, greenway construction, and reconstructionof bridges, etc. Landscape enhancement. 2.4 Plan duration: The construction periodis 90 calendar days, in which the dredging of the river bed and the sewagetreatment works at the lower estuary have to be completed before May 25th andpassed the acceptance check by relevant departments. The warranty period is 2years. 2.5 Bidding scope: The construction of theproject within the scope of construction drawings for this project, and thesurvey of the existing drainage pipelines in the water supply drawings (see thelist of quantities for the details, and the complete and authenticity andaccuracy of written documents issued by the successful bidder for the pipelinesurvey). ). 2.6 Division of tenders: This tender forconstruction is a bid section. 3. Bidder qualification requirements 3.1 This tender requires bidders: 3.1.1 must have an independent legalpersonality 3.1.2 must have the qualifications (qualifiedunits) of the general contracting of the construction of municipal public worksissued by the national construction administrative department; 3.1.3 Credit requirements: Not in the statewhere the property was taken over, frozen, or bankrupted, and the relevantadministrative penalty was not within the administrative area of Sichuan Province; 3.1.4 The enterprises outside the provincewhere the enterprise registration place is not within the administrative areaof Sichuan Province shall provide the “Registration Certificate of Sichuan Provincial ConstructionEnterprises Entering Sichuan Province for Business Registration” or the “ExternalConstruction and Supervision of Sichuan Province with Two-Dimensional Code” within the validity period. Enterprise enters Sichuan for businessinformation entry permit; 3.1.5 All bidders shall have a “Network Registration Form for the Credit Record (Evaluation) of theMain Body of the Market in Chengdu in the Field of Construction Construction” (if the bidder is a consortium, all members of the Consortium shallhave it), “Chengdu Constructionfield practitioners credit record (evaluation) network registration form. 3.1.6 The proposed project manager(registered architect, the same below) shall have a certificate of registeredconstruction engineer of grade 2 or above of municipal utility engineering(must be registered in the unit for at least 6 months, and has more than 6months relevant social security records The staff of this unit must have aneffective safety production assessment certificate. 3.1.7 Financial requirements: There is noloss in the last three years or since its establishment (established less thanthree years). 3.1.8 Performance requirements for similarprojects: The total number of projects completed in the last three years is noless than one (1 to 3) similar projects. Similar project performance means that: Atleast one single project with a contract value of not less than RMB 6 millionhas been completed since January 1, 2015. The company must provide anotification of successful bid, contract agreement, and engineering acceptancecertificate (project completion). Acceptance certificate). And in thepersonnel, equipment, funds and other aspects have the ability to design andconstruction. 3.2 The Commonwealth does not accept bidsfrom the Commonwealth 3.3 All bidders can bid for the above 1(specific quantity) bids. The number of bids that can be awarded is 1 (specificnumber). 3.4 Shortlisting conditions: The 60-daycredit comprehensive evaluation score of the municipal utility constructioncontractor on the first day of the bid invitation document (or biddingregistration) in the tender announcement (published on the publicity platformof credit information management system in the Chengdu construction market,below The same) ranking must be the first 300 (inclusive) names; the consortiumbids, according to the lowest ranking of the professional classification ofeach bidder who belongs to the consortium is ranked as a consortium. 4. Acquisition of tender documents 4.1 Any interested bidder is requested touse the CA digital certificate in electronic transactions of public resourcesin Chengdu from 9:00 a.m. on March 29, 2018 to 17:00 PM (Beijing time, the samebelow) on April 4, 2018. The cloud platform (www.cdggzy.com) (hereinafterreferred to as the "electronic transaction cloud platform") conductsonline bid registration and obtains the "network bid registrationreceipt", and downloads the tender documents and other information fromthe electronic transaction cloud platform. The time limit for the download ofthe bidding documents shall be subject to the above-mentioned time limit.Overdue period will not be downloaded. 4.2 Each set of bidding documents is pricedat RMB 150.00 and will not be refunded after sale. The bidder who downloads thebidding documents through the electronic transaction cloud platform biddingregistration system network shall submit the bid documents to the tenderer orthe bidding agency at the same time as the bidding documents. 4.3 The bidder does not provide mail-orderbidding documents. 5. Submitting bid documents 5.1 The deadline for the submission oftender documents (the deadline for submission of bids, the same below) is 10:30on April 20, 2018. The place is the opening bid room for the project of ChengduPublic Resources Transaction Service Center (Tianfu, 966 North Tianfu Road,Chengdu International Finance Center Building 7. 5.2 The tenderer shall not accept thetender documents delivered late or not delivered to the designated place. 6. Media for announcements The tender announcement was published onthe Sichuan Provincial Public Resource Trading Information Network. 7. Contact information Bidder: City Administration and LandscapingBureau of Jinjiang District, Chengdu Address: 54 Longzhou Road, JinjiangDistrict, Chengdu Postcode: / Contact Person: Gao Lingling Phone: 028-84548578 Fax: 028-84548578 Email: / Website: / Account Bank: / account number: / Bidding agency: Xin Pundian EngineeringManagement Co., Ltd. Address: No. 1, 18th Floor, Unit 1,Building 1, No. 11, Yuren North Road, Chengdu City Postcode: / Contact Person: Ms. Liu Phone: 028-87573791 Fax: 028-87573791 Email: / Website: / Account Bank: / account number: / |